Our Services

The Maternity Home of the Hudson Valley

We provide a Christ-centered home for up to 5 mothers and their babies, where they can stay for up to a year after the birth of their child. Our goal is to empower mothers to be able to achieve stability and self-sustainability through biblical studies, training and coaching. Our heartfelt desire is that every mother will leave the home equipped with the skills and resources needed to succeed in their next step in life.

Pre-Natal Care Support

Supporting new moms even before the baby is here

The MHHV provides support for pregnant mothers by connecting
them to medical resources to ensure that they receive the best care
possible during their pregnancy, as well as after giving birth. Mothers
are assisted with obtaining transportation to and from medical and
community resource appointments. Our trained medical staff from the
Pregnancy Support Center provides coaching and information on
self-care and childbirth preparation.

Newborn Care

Supporting new moms from the moment their babies arrive

New mothers are coached on the care of their newborns. They receive information on what to expect and how to handle the everyday care of their infant. The home provides the basic supplies needed for a newborn. This includes cribs, changing tables, car seats, infant clothing, etc. Mothers are given education on the benefits of breastfeeding. Those choosing to breastfeed their babies are given breast pumps to support their decision. Respite care is offered by the home staff to give mothers the opportunity for restorative rest during the first few weeks after giving birth.

Post-Partum Support

Supporting new moms through their postpartum phase

Our Clinical Nurse from the Pregnancy Center meets with new mothers to
discuss their care and to assess their state since giving birth. Careful attention is given to any signs that may indicate postpartum depression. Mothers are educated on how to identify and manage stress. Those who deliver by C-section are monitored to ensure that their healing process is going well. If concerns arise that require medical attention, mothers are referred to their obstetrician/gyn professional.

Child Development Support

Supporting new moms & their developing babies

At the MHHV we recognize the importance of a child’s first year of development. As a result, we have incorporated developmental and social-emotional screenings for the babies in the home. Mothers are trained on the implementation of the Ages and Stages Child Developmental and Social/Emotional screening tool. The tool is designed to educate mothers on the milestones that babies reach during two-month intervals. The screening is presented in very concrete illustrations and consists of three different ratings: Yes, Sometimes, and Not Yet. The tool also provides suggested age-appropriate activities that mothers can engage their babies in to help in further development in areas that babies have not yet mastered. In the event that a baby shows signs of needing additional support, mothers are encouraged to speak with their pediatricians to make a referral for further evaluation.

Mommy and Me

Supporting new moms & their babies developing brains

Mothers are trained on how to incorporate early childhood educational practices to develop intentional interaction with their babies that will stimulate the brain and strengthen their development. The Creative Curriculum Learning Games: Birth to 12 Months and 12 to 24 Months is used to provide suggested activities that mothers can incorporate in their tummy time and active play engagement with their babies. A designated area in the home is set up with a variety of toys, books, and music to help support babies’ learning.

Next Steps-Life Skills

Supporting new moms in their next steps

Throughout their stay at the home, mothers are given the opportunity to develop and enhance their life skills. A wide variety of training and coaching is provided for the mothers. A few of the areas covered are time management, financial literacy, household management, job readiness and relationship building. We utilize Bible teaching and the Bright Course curriculum as tools to support the development of life skills for mothers. Our greatest desire is to see every mother gain success in life for themselves and their babies.

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